Read more about your neighbors featured in the latest issue of
Minerva Park Community Association Newsletter

Meet the Boddeker-O’Connor family! Terri and Vicki moved to their home on Black Sycamore Dr. in the summer of 2020. They are both originally from Columbus and lived in Devonshire for 20 years before deciding it was time for a change. Their daughter, Ryley, had graduated high school, and they wanted a ranch home surrounded by nature. They found the perfect spot tucked away in Minerva Park, with a view of one of the ponds and walking paths almost in their backyard.
Vicki and Terri met at the end of high school and both attended Ohio University. They have been together for 36 years and married for 9 years! Terri retired last year after a 33-year career at the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging. Vicki has been with Columbus City Schools for 26 years and works with special needs children at Arts IMPACT Middle School.
Ryley is a graduate of Northwestern and is completing a yearlong fellowship in Alabama this summer. She’ll spend some time at home in Minerva Park before returning to Chicago to pursue her master’s degree in social work.
Terri and Vicki love being outside and enjoy the walking paths and nature in the village. They walk daily and spend as much time outside as possible. They both have electric bikes and enjoy riding them to Uptown. Bike parking is the best, especially for Westerville’s 4th Fridays! They are hopeful for future improvements to bike trails through the village.
To learn more about the village green spaces, Terri started attending Planning and Zoning meetings a couple of years ago and joined the committee as a voting member one year ago.
The family also loves to travel and especially enjoys visiting national parks. Vicki traveled to the Grand Tetons growing up and wanted to share the beauty with Terri and Ryley. They have since been to many parks, including Yellowstone, Bryce Canyon, and all five in Utah. This summer, they will fly to Seattle, rent an RV, and travel to Glacier and Jasper National Parks in Canada!
Fun facts: Vicki and Ryley started coming to Minerva Park 20+ years ago to spend summers at the pool with Ryley’s daycare group! Vicki and Terri’s goal is to visit the 55 national parks in the lower 48 (some in Alaska are extremely remote). With each visit, they add a pin to a map on the wall and use the map to pick the next adventure!